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Vivaldi for MySQL

Release Notes

Vivaldi 3.7.3

  • Runtime Experience
    • Fixed: Menu ordering was not being reflected in submenus
    • Fixed: Multi-tenant dropdown filtering was not functioning correctly.
    • Fixed: Image fields were not correctly saving on edit.
  • Configuration and Design
    • Compatability with MySQL 8.x default SQL Modes - Note: You must run upgrade.php
    • Table forms can now support Display Type "Image (display)" if your bound field is an image URL.
    • Improved query failure handling when a MySQL view is invalid.
    • Fixes to upgrade process where not all updates were applying.
    • Warning when a column is added to a form with a space in the name (incompatible with Detail forms).

Vivaldi 3.7

  • Runtime Experience
    • Additional support for accessibility (contrast, ARIA screen reading)
  • Configuration and Design
    • Compatability with MySQL 8.4 default SQL Modes - Note: You must run upgrade.php

Vivaldi 3.6.8

  • Runtime Experience
    • Fix: Read only fields now display with html attribute readonly instead of disabled to support a11y
  • Configuration and Design

Vivaldi 3.6.8

  • Runtime Experience
  • Configuration and Design
    • New: Table Form advanced property "No Refresh on Save / Add /Delete" option to pause table updates until it is refreshed.

Vivaldi 3.6.7

  • Runtime Experience
    • Issue: Improved edit/save performance on large data sources
  • Configuration and Design
    • New: Table fields support "Disable Filter" option to speed up large dataset rendering when the field doesn't need to be in the filter panel.
    • Issue: Improved preview performace on large data sources
    • Issue: Fixed Advanced Table properties issue with Paging property not setting

Vivaldi 3.6.6

  • Runtime Experience
    • Issue: Search text was not displaying.
    • Issue: Child dropdowns with no parent rows caused error.
  • Configuration and Design
    • Resolved database upgrade issue with MySQL 8.

Vivaldi 3.6.5

  • Runtime Experience
    • Performance improvement for high-user account deployments.
  • Configuration and Design
    • Fix: Field max length setting was not being applied correctly.

Vivaldi 3.6.4

  • Runtime Experience
    • Filter panel experience refinements.
    • Fix: Inline edits failed in select cases.
  • Configuration and Design
    • Fix: Better compatibility with MySQL strict mode.

Vivaldi 3.6.1

  • Runtime Experience
    • New filter panel experience.
  • Configuration and Design
    • Ability to allow users to self-register an account. See setup information.
    • Increased the number of tabs in a Master/Detail form to 99 (thanks PD)
    • Fix: Copy Form action was not carrying over calculations to the copy.
    • Compatability with PHP 8.0.

Vivaldi 3.5.4

  • Configuration and Design
    • Ability to define javascript events for Before Delete, After Delete, and After Read in Table forms.

Vivaldi 3.5.3

  • Runtime Experience
    • Ability to search within a filter on table forms.

Vivaldi 3.5.1

  • Configuration and Design
    • Fixed: Master-Detail wizard was not displaying available forms.
    • Ability to control whether Filters appear at the Form property (advanced) level or the Form Permissions level.

Vivaldi 3.5

  • Runtime Experience
    • Popup tip displays to help users know to tab or hit enter to save changes in table edit mode.
    • Support for checkbox edits when Table form is enabled for Inline Edits
    • New Print option in Detail Forms ()
    • New filter feature (enabled via button in Table form toolbar)
    • Fixed nested menu issue where submenus automatically expanded on hover.
    • Improved Filter panel sizing.
    • Removed checkboxes from Filter panel (not currently supported).
    • New password quality validation for new users and password changes.
  • Configuration and Design
    • Fixed: Table form names can now contain special characters without causing issues.
    • Enhanced the User Mass Create feature to support pulling a custom_id column from the source table.
    • New Audit History Wizard automatically creates a new audit history table (yourtablename_audit) for your selected base table, as well as MySQL triggers to automatically write any inserts/changes/delete history to the audit history table. Currently only accessible via direct link: yourdomain/index.php?route=ogs/auditsetup.php. You will also need to add a Custom Form Permission row (Security>>Custom Form Permissions) for your administrator user account with the Custom Form name 'auditsetup'.

Vivaldi 3.4.1

  • Runtime Experience
    • Support for checkbox edits when Table form is enabled for Inline Edits
    • New Print option in Detail Forms ()
    • New filter feature (enabled via button in Table form toolbar)
  • Configuration and Design
    • Moved advanced form properties to Advanced tab in Form Design Wizard
    • New Audit History Wizard automatically creates a new audit history table (yourtablename_audit) for your selected base table, as well as MySQL triggers to automatically write any inserts/changes/delete history to the audit history table. Currently only accessible via direct link: yourdomain/index.php?route=ogs/auditsetup.php. You will also need to add a Custom Form Permission row (Security>>Custom Form Permissions) for your administrator user account with the Custom Form name 'auditsetup'.

Vivaldi 3.3

  • Runtime Experience
    • Adjustments to ensure table height for a single record is tall enought to show entire row.
    • Resolved issue where not all rows would display on tables with fewer than
    • New option to reorder columns at runtime (column order changes are not saved)
    • New Bootstrap table look and feel
  • Configuration and Design
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed: Calculated columns were not included in Excel/PDF exports

Vivaldi 3.2

  • Runtime Experience
    • New Duplicate button in table forms to allow users with Insert record permission to duplicate a record.
    • Ability to collapse/expand top parent section in master/detail forms to see more of the child tab content.
    • Faster peformance for huge tables. Deferred rendering and fetch for large data sets in table forms.
    • Fixed: Read-only dropdowns were read/write for new records.
    • Ability to hide navigation bar by adding &embedded=1 to the URL.
  • Configuration and Design
    • New currency display type for detail forms.
    • New 'Before Save' and 'Before Delete' event options.
    • Improved apphome .php example custom landing page.
    • New 'Copy Role' option.
    • New support for customer-defined translations in js/translation_customer.js file.
  • Miscellaneous

Vivaldi 3.1.1

  • Miscellaneous
    • Compatibility updates for MySQL 8
    • Improvements to installer to communicate install errors and connection issues.

Vivaldi 3.1

  • Runtime Experience
    • New "type-ahead" dropdown box option for large lists.
    • Fixed: Sort order on dropdowns was not respecting MySQL order by for existing records.
  • Configuration and Design
    • New "type-ahead" dropdown Form Item option for large lists.

Vivaldi 3.0.4

  • Fixed: users could not be added in some instances based on MySQL server settings.
  • Fixed: collapsed menu would open during navigation on small form factor mobile devices.

Vivaldi 3.0.3

  • Fixed: issue where inserts/updates were prevented by MySQL sql_mode = STRICT_TRANS_TABLES.
  • Master Detail wizard now supports unlimited children
  • MasterDetail forms now support faster tab navigation when the selected parent hasn't changed

Vivaldi 3.0.2

  • Resolved issue where Admin Dashboard popups would close after opening.

Vivaldi 3.0.1

  • Runtime Experience
    • PDF output now includes page numbering and headers on each page.
    • Improve vertical space utilization for tabular forms.
  • Configuration and Design
    • Fixed: Form Designer was not showing options to open the design view for new forms.
    • Support for MySQL column names with hyphens.
    • Ability to decide whether to use MySQL ordering or text value ordering on dropdowns.

Vivaldi 3.0

  • Runtime Experience
    • Table columns can display the Field Help text when the user hovers over the column name.
    • When a modal popup is closed, the content will be cleared so that the next time the user opens a modal, it doesn't show old information while the new information is loading.
    • Fix: Select dropdowns set to required were not preventing a save/insert when empty.
  • Configuration and Design
    • New Tabbed Form display option and wizard from 'New Form Wizard' menu option.
    • New Form Property 'Help URL' to open a new window to display the help URL of your choice.
    • New Application Property to make the Custom User ID field required on a new user account (if desired).
    • New Application Property for Return Email Addresss used for new account and password reset emails.
    • New Application Property for password reset email text.
    • New Application Property for showing a small form info icon at the bottom of each form. When clicked, the form name, GUID, and other information will be shown. Disabled by default in existing Vivaldi deployments.
    • A new option exists to add a database array in databases.php called 'test' that can then be used when you log in and pass the following parameter: login.php?test=testmode This will notify you that the connection will go against another database connection of your choice, which can be helpful when you want to test your Vivaldi application using an alternate database.
  • Miscellaneous
    • New custom attribute columns in ogs_form for your own use: customer_attribute1 and customer_attribute2. Both are varchar(100) and can be modified to your needs.
    • Fix: The required asterisk in detail forms was causing line breaks. Removed the preceding space.
    • You can optionally add a file /styles/customer_htmlfooter.php to place or invoke any code you would like at the end of the index.php file automatically.

Vivaldi 2.4.1

  • Runtime Experience
    • Fix: Password reset throwing an error on PHP 7.x
    • Fix: Default value 'Current Date and Time' was not working for AM hours.
    • Fix: Opening records with the new cascading dropdown to edit was clearing the child dropdown value.
  • Configuration and Design
    • The Form Designer now supports images as an item on Detail forms. Two new options - Image (upload) and Image(display) allow you to either let users upload images, or simply view them. Images are stored in a folder on your server, with a link reference in a table field of your choice.

Vivaldi 2.4

  • Runtime Experience
    • User administrators can now check a box to require new users to change their password when they login.  Currently it is a message that will not go away until they change their password (as opposed to a blocking workflow).
    • Modal popups now display the name of the form in the header instead of "Detail"
  • Configuration and Design
    • New Events options in the Form Designer allow you to call javascript functions at key junctures of the form lifecycle (after record fetch, after insert, after edit, after delete).
    • New Cascading Dropdown feature to make it easy to join a parent and child dropdown where the child dropdown will change and limit the results based on the value chosen in the parent dropdown.
    • Beta:  2nd-level submenus.
    • Fix: The Lookup Wizard was not returning table names.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fix: Tables were not refreshing when a record was deleted from a Detail form.

Vivaldi 2.3.2

  • Runtime Experience
    • Adjusted Collapse Panels to allow users to click anywhere on the header rather than just the link text.
    • Fix: Default values for the Detail Form checkbox were not setting the box to checked.
  • Configuration and Design
  • Miscellaneous
    • The Administrator dashboard will tell you when new updates are available in the bottom right of the screen.
    • Fix: The Menu Designer was not displaying existing menu items.

Vivaldi 2.3.1

Minor fix to upgrade script to resolve key issue on ogs_application table.

Vivaldi 2.3

  • Runtime Experience
    • Users can choose to see Vivaldi in Spanish and French (beta)
  • Configuration and Design
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fix: Internet Explorer was not redirecting to login.php if the user did not include index.php in the URL before logging in.
    • Fix: The Menu Designer was not displaying existing menu items.

Vivaldi 2.2.1

Improved performance of table forms by 8% using compression for data returned from MySQL.

Vivaldi 2.2

  • Runtime Experience
    • Forms can now be opened using the formname in the URL parameter as follows: index.php?route=ogs/dynamicform.php?formname=YOURFORMNAME
    • Fix-Required label was showing on all items in row
  • Configuration and Design
    • New Form Designer layout
    • You can now copy form items from a Table to Detail form in the Form Designer to get your Detail form started faster.
    • Table forms now support Calculation fields that contain if() {} statements.
    • New option to show a logo instead of the application name on the header menu (use Administration>>Application Settings)
    • Detail forms now support Hyperlink as a display type. The bound field represents the URL. It will display the full link to the user unless you enter text in the 'Field Help' property (e.g., Click Here)
  • Miscellaneous
    • New User Statistics option on the Administrator dashboard

Vivaldi 2.1.2

  • Runtime Experience
    • Update to Font Awesome 5.4.1.
    • Users can now navigate directly to a URL after logging in (i.e., deeplinks are now supported after login).
  • Configuration and Design
    • New 'popout' option to preview a form in the Form Designer.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fix: Upgrade process for 2.1 did not upgrade some views successfully.

Vivaldi 2.1.1

  • Fix: Some implementations of drilling to another form was not working for Firefox and IE

Vivaldi 2.1

  • Runtime Experience
    • Table forms now support checkboxes
  • Configuration and Design
    • Field display types that can't be used for a detail or tabular form won't show up in the list of options in the form item definition.
    • Tabular forms now support the Checkbox display type.
    • New Example table and detail forms to help provide a demonstration of the variety of options available when configuring your forms.
    • The 'Field Help' property can now be used to provide hover text for Buttons on your forms.
    • Adding the Custom CSS 'clearafteradd' to your control on a detail form will cause it to clear when a user clicks the 'Save and Add Another' option.
    • Adding the Custom CSS 'vivaldi-bold' will bold a column's text.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fix: only the first role assigned to a user was being used to determine form permissions.
    • Fix: click the User Role Assignment edit button didn't filter to that user/role combination.

Vivaldi 2.0

  • Runtime Experience
    • 25%+ improvement to page load times
    • PDF exports now exclude action buttons on tables, page title matches form name
    • Users see a warning message when a Detail form has no results (but is expected to from being launched in a filtered condition)
    • Fix: Menu did not close when user clicked an item on a mobile device
  • Configuration and Design
    • New Master-Detail form wizard
    • New Default Value wizard to help guide options for defaults like current date, current user
    • New option to place extended information in expand/collapse section in tabular forms
    • Support for timestamp data type in Date and Time form controls
    • When a field default value is the current date and time, it now shows based on the user's local timezone.
    • Fix: timestamp date format not showing correctly in tables
  • Miscellaneous
    • Debug mode now reports query response times

Vivaldi 1.4

Vivaldi 1.3.2

  • Runtime Experience
  • Configuration and Design
    • New option to copy a form and it's related permissions
    • New option in the Click Event wizard to launch a drill form in a popup window.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Introduced support for servers that don't support MySQLND driver
    • A new 'rowlimit' URL parameter can be passed to the dynamicform.php URL to limit the number of rows displayed in a table.

Vivaldi 1.3.1

  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed issue with the Click Event drilldown event.
    • Small adjustment to default date format on tables based on customer feedback.

Vivaldi 1.3.0

  • Runtime Experience
    • Added jQuery UI to provide cleaner look and feel for many elements.
  • Configuration and Design
    • Enhanced select dropdown with search by keyword (you must add the class 'chosen-select' to your dropdown item)
    • New Tasks framework (early release) that supports managing tasks within Vivaldi
    • New Menu Designer to simplify creating menus and managing children
    • Drag & drop row re-ordering for table form items in the Form Designer.
    • Support for checkboxes as a form control display type.
    • Tables now support 'Date' and 'Date and Time' formatting (be sure to use the Display Format options with java formating syntax)
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed issue where a table with a MySQL reserved word column name wouldn't update.

Vivaldi 1.2.1

  • Runtime Experience
    • New option for users to select at login to remember username when returning.
  • Configuration and Design
    • Click Event wizard now supports click events on any table column (not just buttons).
    • New upgrade-safe customer_htmlhead.php file to support customer-driven html header options
    • Added new "design" cog icon at top right for fast access to the Form Designer for authorized users.
    • Ability to add Collapse Panels to detail forms.
    • Resolved bug with Click Event and Format wizards.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed issue where a table with a MySQL reserved word column name wouldn't render.
    • Improved security on user HTML inputs.

Vivaldi 1.2.0

  • Runtime Experience
    • Improved navigation submenu colors for mobile users.
  • Configuration and Design
    • New Form Wizard creates and links Table and Detail forms, permissions, and menu items automatically based on a few simple prompts.
    • New Click Event wizard to allow users to navigate from a table row to another form.
    • New Style Options screen to manage basic color styles in the application.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Resolved issue where form guid was not displaying on the Form Detail screen.
    • Improved support for embedded pages that use jQuery. When upgrading, ensure you modify your js/customer.js file to use the following convention to prevent jQuery conflicts:
      var $custjs = jQuery.noConflict(); $custjs(...
      (in other words, replace any $ with $custjs)
    • Enhanced Administrator dashboard with connection information and ability to purge the event log.

Vivaldi 1.1.0

  • Runtime Experience
    • Enhanced horizontal table scrolling
    • Suppressed PHP warning message output for authentication
  • Configuration and Design
    • Improved clarity on display order of fields in the Form Design Wizard
    • Added Related Menu item section to Form Design Wizard
    • Ability to define Detail Form sections (add to core config....)
    • New Validate option for Form SQL
    • Improved clarity on what fields are needed for Form Property definition
    • Introduced table sorting/ordering by field
    • Added table paging configuration option
  • Miscellaneous
    • Resolved issue with MySQL tables that contain non-UTF8 data returning empty results.

Vivaldi 1.0.2

Various fixes

Vivaldi 1.0.1

Various fixes

Vivaldi 1.0

Initial Release